e.g. Tata motors, Reliance MF, 500570
COMPETENT AUTOMOBILES CO.LTD. - Appointment of Company Secretary and Compliance Officer
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18 Dec 2024
Pursuant to the provisions of Regulation 6, 30(2) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations &amp; Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (&quot;the Listing Regulations&quot;), as amended and in accordance with the requirements of sub-clause 7 of Clause A of Part A of Schedule - III of the Listing Regulations, this is to inform you that Mr. Dinesh Kumar (M. No. F5175) has been appointed as Company Secretary &amp; Compliance Officer of the Company under the category of Key Managerial Personnel (KMP) in the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company held today i.e. 18th December, 2024, in place of Mr. Ravi Arora, who has resigned w.e.f. 20th November, 2024.
View all announcements for COMPETENT AUTOMOBILES CO.LTD. Source: BSE India