In compliance with Regulation 30 and 31A of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, we regret to inform you about the sad demise of Ms. Gawdakere Keshava Murthy Vasundhara on January 12, 2025, belonging to Promoter Group of the Company having 327,120 equity shares representing 0.58%.
Ms. Gawdakere Keshava Murthy Vasundhara is the Mother-in-law of Mr. Srinivasagopalan Rangarajan, Chairman and Managing Director and mother of Ms. Rekha Murthy Rangarajan, Whole-time Director.
All the directors and employees of the Company convey deep sympathy, sorrow and condolences to her family.
Further, it is hereby informed that she would be ceased to be the part of promoter group of the Company in accordance with the Regulation 31A (6) (c) of the SEBI LODR Regulations, 2015, in due course.