HIGH ENERGY BATTERIES (INDIA) LIMITED, filed the Outcome of our Board Meeting held on 22nd July, 2023 and the BSE Acknowledgement filed at 18:54:24 Hours on the said date, could not be obtained. As a result of that, we uploaded a revised file vide BSE ACK - 5890885. <BR> <BR> When we re-verified our filings, we observed that both the corporate announcements were listed in the BSE site. Hence we hereby intimate BSE and other stakeholders that, the Announcement made by the Company vide BSE ACK - 5890885 not to be considered. We further inform that no changes in the results declared and only the additional announcement alone needs to be ignored.<BR> <BR> The Board Meeting commenced at 05:00 P.M. and ended at 06.30 P.M and the corresponding BSE ACK Number is 5890874. The Corresponding XBRL was filed based on this announcement vide Acknowledgement number 2207202307465333.