STANDARD BATTERIES LTD. - Compliances-Certificate under Reg. 74 (5) of SEBI (DP) Regulations, 2018
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09 Jan 2025
Dear Sir/Ma''am,
In reference to the above captioned regulation, we hereby confirm that the securities received from the depository participants for dematerialization during the quarter ended 31st December 2024, were confirmed to the depositories by us and that securities comprised in the said certificates have been listed on the stock exchanges where the earlier issued securities are listed.
We hereby also confirm that the security certificates received for dematerialization have been confirmed/rejected and the security certificates received were mutilated and cancelled after due verification by the depository participant and the name of the depositories have been substituted in the register of members as the registered owner within the prescribed timelines.
We request you to kindly take note of the above in records.
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