Import your Porfolio at Rediff MoneyWizYou can import Excel or CSV (Comma Separated Values) file and create your portfolio at Rediff Moneywiz portal. You can import your portfolio from various services including Google finance, ICICI direct or Sharekhan.

Please follow below steps to import quickly.

  • Step 1. Go to homepage of Rediff Moneywiz and click on My Portfolio.
  • Step 2. Login to portfolio for existing users or it will redirect user to Sign up for page.
  • Step 3. Two ways to import portfolio file: Select an existing portfolio: You can import the excel sheet or csv to your existing portfolio -OR- Create a new portfolio: Create a new, separate portfolio to import the file.
  • Step 4. (i) Click on Import Stock Portfolio to upload stock (Equity) data.
    (ii) Select file to import data.
    (iii) Submit Import button.
  • Step 5. (i) Click on Import MF Portfolio to upload Mutualfund data.
    (ii) Select file to import data.
    (iii) Submit Import button.
  • On successful import, you can view the imported stocks/mf listing on portfolio. If data is incorrect in listing, you can edit transaction history using radio button on left side of every stock/mf listing.

  • Columns for file Headers: Symbol: 'Stock Symbol' or 'Symbol'
    Company Name: 'Company Name' or 'Company' or 'Stock Name' or 'Name'
    Quantity: 'Qty' or 'Quantity' or 'Shares'
    Average Buy Price: 'Average Cost Price' or 'Avg Buy Price'
    Date of purchase: 'Transaction Date' or 'Date', 'Date of purchase'
    Total Cost: 'Cost basis' or 'Total Cost' or 'Cash value'

    Note: Name or Symbol is mandatory.