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Bhagiradha Chemicals & Industries Ltd. - Research Center
531719 BHAGCHEM Group (B) BSE data
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Share holding
Share holding pattern as on : 31/12/2024 30/09/2024 30/06/2024
Face value 1.00 1.00 1.00
No. Of Shares % Holding No. Of Shares % Holding No. Of Shares % Holding
Promoter's holding
Indian Promoters 22751150 18.28 22751150 18.28 25224360 20.27
Foreign Promoters 2473210 1.99 2473210 1.99 - -
Sub total 25224360 20.27 25224360 20.27 25224360 20.27
Non promoter's holding
Institutional investors
Banks Fin. Inst. and Insurance 3833850 3.08 3903850 3.14 3903850 3.14
FII's 225375 0.18 186301 0.15 215386 0.17
Sub total 4059225 3.26 4090151 3.29 4119236 3.31
Other investors
Others 58550901 47.05 57987939 46.60 57960016 46.58
Sub total 58550901 47.05 57987939 46.60 57960016 46.58
General public 36600494 29.41 37132530 29.84 37131368 29.84
Grand total 124434980 100.00 124434980 100.00 124434980 100.00
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