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Bharti Airtel Ltd. - Research Center
532454 BHARTIARTL Group (A) BSE data
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Share holding
Share holding pattern as on : 31/12/2024 30/09/2024 30/06/2024
Face value 5.00 5.00 5.00
No. Of Shares % Holding No. Of Shares % Holding No. Of Shares % Holding
Promoter's holding
Indian Promoters 2454085335 40.31 2381025975 39.13 2381025975 39.14
Foreign Promoters 779611096 12.81 852670456 14.01 853449131 14.03
Sub total 3233696431 53.11 3233696431 53.14 3234475106 53.17
Non promoter's holding
Institutional investors
Banks Fin. Inst. and Insurance 502527006 8.25 493394033 8.11 503497620 8.28
FII's 1477724211 24.27 1526016708 25.08 1497946065 24.62
Sub total 2672586731 43.90 2671085303 43.89 2671257217 43.91
Other investors
GDR/ADR 4538208 0.07 3978857 0.07 3416753 0.06
Govt 4704 - 219 - 9452 -
Others 58127475 0.95 58437168 0.96 57989466 0.95
Sub total 62670387 1.03 62416244 1.03 61415671 1.01
General public 119167134 1.96 118244170 1.94 116012817 1.91
Grand total 6088120683 100.00 6085442148 100.00 6083160811 100.00
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