Sources of funds
Owner's fund
Equity share capital
630.00 |
630.00 |
630.00 |
630.00 |
630.00 |
Share application money
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Preference share capital
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Reserves & surplus
-24,292.80 |
-21,472.90 |
-19,286.45 |
-16,669.88 |
-14,215.65 |
Loan funds
Secured loans
30,027.82 |
28,174.01 |
26,606.47 |
23,846.05 |
21,850.57 |
Unsecured loans
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
6,365.02 |
7,331.11 |
7,950.02 |
7,806.17 |
8,264.92 |
Uses of funds
Fixed assets
Gross block
22,925.00 |
23,400.83 |
23,951.41 |
24,414.95 |
24,492.97 |
Less : revaluation reserve
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Less : accumulated depreciation
18,656.01 |
18,504.25 |
18,402.79 |
18,247.83 |
17,705.20 |
Net block
4,268.99 |
4,896.58 |
5,548.62 |
6,167.12 |
6,787.77 |
Capital work-in-progress
85.80 |
59.49 |
73.98 |
184.25 |
328.08 |
106.13 |
106.13 |
106.13 |
106.13 |
106.13 |
Net current assets
Current assets, loans & advances
6,216.28 |
6,572.44 |
6,574.91 |
6,893.25 |
9,434.11 |
Less : current liabilities & provisions
4,312.18 |
4,303.53 |
4,353.62 |
5,544.58 |
8,391.17 |
Total net current assets
1,904.10 |
2,268.91 |
2,221.29 |
1,348.67 |
1,042.94 |
Miscellaneous expenses not written
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
6,365.02 |
7,331.11 |
7,950.02 |
7,806.17 |
8,264.92 |
Book value of unquoted investments
106.13 |
106.13 |
106.13 |
106.13 |
106.13 |
Market value of quoted investments
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Contingent liabilities
9,015.76 |
8,396.25 |
7,884.10 |
8,855.40 |
7,643.83 |
Number of equity sharesoutstanding (Lacs)
6300.00 |
6300.00 |
6300.00 |
6300.00 |
6300.00 |