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Motherson Sumi Wiring India Ltd. - Research Center
543498 MSUMI Group (A) BSE data
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Share holding
Share holding pattern as on : 31/12/2024 30/09/2024 30/06/2024
Face value 1.00 1.00 1.00
No. Of Shares % Holding No. Of Shares % Holding No. Of Shares % Holding
Promoter's holding
Indian Promoters 1501333230 33.96 1501333230 33.96 1501333230 33.96
Foreign Promoters 1227667932 27.77 1227667932 27.77 1227667932 27.77
Sub total 2729001162 61.73 2729001162 61.73 2729001162 61.73
Non promoter's holding
Institutional investors
Banks Fin. Inst. and Insurance 71455027 1.62 86181434 1.95 94844149 2.15
FII's 435824454 9.86 465364932 10.53 476620181 10.78
Sub total 1175928922 26.60 1187743120 26.87 1193967095 27.01
Other investors
Govt 7 - 7 - 7 -
Others 62779739 1.42 64335406 1.46 68468090 1.55
Sub total 62779746 1.42 64335413 1.46 68468097 1.55
General public 453398102 10.26 440028237 9.95 429671578 9.72
Grand total 4421107932 100.00 4421107932 100.00 4421107932 100.00
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