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Titan Company Ltd. - Research Center
500114 TITAN Group (A) BSE data
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Share holding
Share holding pattern as on : 31/12/2024 30/09/2024 30/06/2024
Face value 1.00 1.00 1.00
No. Of Shares % Holding No. Of Shares % Holding No. Of Shares % Holding
Promoter's holding
Indian Promoters 469601920 52.90 469601920 52.90 469601920 52.90
Sub total 469601920 52.90 469601920 52.90 469601920 52.90
Non promoter's holding
Institutional investors
Banks Fin. Inst. and Insurance 49716543 5.60 46833408 5.28 46556113 5.24
FII's 160792794 18.11 161765605 18.22 161600166 18.20
Sub total 263343051 29.66 263615064 29.69 258139789 29.08
Other investors
GDR/ADR 740900 0.08 740900 0.08 724600 0.08
Govt 23994 - 20960 - 31175 -
Others 18323855 2.06 18097191 2.04 19227221 2.17
Sub total 19088749 2.15 18859051 2.12 19982996 2.25
General public 135752440 15.29 135710125 15.29 140061455 15.78
Grand total 887786160 100.00 887786160 100.00 887786160 100.00
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