In continuation to the prior intimation for Board Meeting submitted vide our letter dated March 4, 2025 and pursuant to the Listing Regulations, we hereby inform that the Board of Directors at its meeting held on Friday, March 7, 2025 has inter-alia considered and approved the following:
1. Issuance of Unsecured, Rated, Listed, Redeemable, Subordinated, Non-Convertible Lower Tier II Bonds in the nature of Non-Convertible Debentures categorized as Tier II Capital for an amount aggregating up to Rs. 1,500 crores.
2. Re-appointment of Mr. Kamlesh Shivji Vikamsey (DIN: 00059620) as an Independent Director (Non-Executive) of the Bank for second term of 5 years with effect from April 25, 2025, subject to the approval of the shareholders.
Please refer attachment for details.