In response to the BSE Email dated 17th March, 2025 levying fines for the alleged non-compliance of sub-regulation (1) of Regulation 18 and sub regulation (1) & (2) of Regulation 19 we wish to inform that in response to the earlier BSE email dated 25th February,2025 We have replied that as per sub-Regulation 1(E) of Regulation 17 of LODR Reg. 2015 any vacancy in the office of a Director shall be filled by the listed entity at the earliest and in any case not later than three months from the date of such vacancy. In our case the then Independent Director Mr.K. Meyyanathan has resigned from the post with effect from the closing hours of 30th Sep 2024 and within a period of 3 months Mr. N. Sridharan was appointed as an Ind Director with effect from 6th November, 2024. through E.G.M. Therefore there was no non-compliance by our company during the quarter ended 31st Dec 2024.Therefore we request you to kindly drop the penalties Rs. Rs 1,69.920/- including GST.