Pursuant to the provisions of Regulation 30 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, and all other applicable provisions, if any we wish to inform you that in continuation to the Board'' approval for issuance of 1,000,000 (One Million only) Equity Shares of INR 10 each to the PSPL ESOP Management Trust (''ESOP Trust'') in multiple tranches, the Stakeholders Relationship and ESG Committee has inter-alia approved the first tranche of allotment of 100,000 (One Hundred Thousand only) Equity Shares of INR 10 each at the allotment price of INR 2,133 per Equity Share, aggregating to the total consideration of INR 213.3M to the ESOP Trust on February 1, 2024.