In pursuance of Reg 39(3) of SEBI(Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)Regulations, 2015, please find below the information regarding issue of duplicate Share Certificate(in demat mode) to Shareholder, Shantha Devi, Folio No. 0013592, in place of old Certificate, the details of which are mentioned below:
1. 100 Shares in Cert No. 28988, Dist. No. 2898301-2898400
2. 100 Shares in Cert No. 30737, Dist. No. 3073201-3073300
3. 100 Shares in Cert No.33519, Dist. No. 3351401-3351500
4. 200 Shares in Cert No.34775-34776, Dist. No.3477001-3477200
5. 100 Shares in Cert No.35871, Dist. No. 3586601-3586700
6. 600 Shares in Cert No.36024-36029, Dist. No. 3601901-3602500
7. 100 Shares in Cert No.38179, Dist. No. 3817401-3817500
Kindly take the above on record.