Southern Infosys Ltdhas informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 25/03/2025 ,inter alia, to consider and approve
1. Change in the name of the company post the Hon'ble High Court of Delhi order dated 27.05.2024, in the case of Infosys Vs Southern Infosys Limited [CS(COMM) 257/2024 & I.A. 6821/2024], the Company was directed to change the name SOUTHERN INFOSYS LIMITED subject to the approval of members of the company.
2. Alteration of Memorandum of Association and Article of Association subject to the approval of members of the company.
3. To take note of RUN form approval.
4. To fix the day, date, time, venue and agenda of the Extra-ordinary General Meeting.
5. To approve the draft notice of Extra-ordinary general meeting along with explanatory statement
6. Appointment of scrutinizer Mr. Nitin Bhatia for scrutinizing the voting process
7. To authorize Company Secretary or any other officer to issue notice of Extra-ordinary general meeting to every member or to every person entitled to receive such notice
8. To fix the cut-off date for e-voting