Pursuant to a request received by the Company on January 9, 2023 from Mr. Suresh Babulal Bafna, Mrs. Manju Suresh Bafna and M/s. Monarch Networth Capital Limited, Promoters of the Company, regarding their re-classification from the 'Promoter Group' to the ''Public'' Category and the approvals for the same obtained from the Board of Directors and shareholders of the Company, we wish to inform you that the Company has made an application today i.e. March 4, 2023 to BSE Limited for re-classification of Mr. Suresh Babulal Bafna, Mrs. Manju Suresh Bafna and M/s. Monarch Networth Capital Limited, Promoters of the Company, from the ''Promoter Group' to the ''Public'' Category of shareholders of the Company, in accordance with Regulation 31A of the Listing Regulations.