Fund Info
Baroda BNP Paribas Asset Management India Limited. |
Objective |
The primary investment objective of the Scheme is to generate income and capital appreciation by investing in a diversified portfolio of equity and equity related instruments and fixed income instruments with a view to provide a retirement solution to investors. However, there can be no assurance that the investment objective of the Scheme will be realized. The Scheme does not garantee/indicate any returns. |
Fund category |
Equity - Hybrid |
Scheme plan |
Growth, IDCW, IDCW-Reinvestment |
Scheme type |
Open Ended |
Launch date |
May 08, 2024 |
Fund manager |
Mr. Pratish Krishnan |
Initial Price |
10 |
Min investment |
1,000 |
Entry load |
Nil % |
Exit load |
Nil % |