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IRB Infrastructure Developers Ltd. - Research Center
532947 IRB Group (A) BSE data
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Share holding
Share holding pattern as on : 31/12/2024 30/09/2024 30/06/2024
Face value 1.00 1.00 1.00
No. Of Shares % Holding No. Of Shares % Holding No. Of Shares % Holding
Promoter's holding
Indian Promoters 1837055980 30.42 1837055980 30.42 1837055980 30.42
Sub total 1837055980 30.42 1837055980 30.42 1837055980 30.42
Non promoter's holding
Institutional investors
Banks Fin. Inst. and Insurance 239391293 3.96 257226651 4.26 247447882 4.10
FII's 2721849632 45.07 2777563735 45.99 2685650690 44.47
Sub total 3239784865 53.65 3266789740 54.09 3147829663 52.13
Other investors
Govt 322600 0.01 322450 0.01 322450 0.01
Others 90033688 1.49 85204565 1.41 107924068 1.79
Sub total 90356288 1.50 85527015 1.42 108246518 1.79
General public 871802867 14.44 849627265 14.07 945867839 15.66
Grand total 6039000000 100.00 6039000000 100.00 6039000000 100.00
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