JNPA Container Traffic Up 12% in 2024: Record Cargo Throughput

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By Rediff Money Desk, Mumbai   Jan 03, 2025 19:22

Jawaharlal Nehru Port Authority (JNPA) saw a 12% rise in container traffic to 7.05 million TEUs in 2024, also handling record cargo throughput of 90.27 million tonnes.
JNPA Container Traffic Up 12% in 2024: Record Cargo Throughput
Photograph: Ilan Rosenberg/Reuters
Mumbai, Jan 3 (PTI) Government-owned container handling port Jawaharlal Nehru Port Authority (JNPA) saw an 11.99 per cent year-on-year rise in container traffic at 7.05 TEUs (Twenty-foot Equivalent Units) in 2024.

The port handled 6.35 million TEUs of containers in 2023, JNPA said in a statement.

The facility also handled the highest-ever cargo throughput at 90.27 million tonnes in the just-concluded year, which was 4.25 per cent more than the figure recorded in the preceding year ended December 2023, it said.

According to the port, two of its terminals -- BMCTPL and APMT -- crossed the milestone of 2-million TEUs in container handling last year. BMCTPL handled 2.12 million TEUs, which is the highest-ever container handling by any terminal in a calendar year.

JNPA has five container terminals -- Nahava Sheva FreePort Terminal (NSFT), Nhava Sheva International Container Terminal (NSICT), Nahava Sheva India Gateway Terminal (NSIGT), Bharat Mumbai Container Terminal (BMCT), and GTI-APM Terminal (APM).

JNPA said it also handled 4,989 container rakes and 789,825 TEUs in 2024 as against 4,796 rakes and 766,401 TEUs handled during 2023.

"As JNPA achieves a record container throughput of 7.05 million TEUs in 2024, we also stand poised to become India's largest port this month by achieving the capacity to handle more than 10 million tonnes TEUs," said Unmesh Sharad Wagh, Chairman of JNPA.

Earlier, JNPA held a meeting of various stakeholders including those from the logistics industry as well as the port ecosystem. The meeting was attended by JN Port's terminal operators and representatives from trade bodies, among others, it said.
Source: PTI
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