Sources of funds
Owner's fund
Equity share capital
474.00 |
474.00 |
474.00 |
474.00 |
454.00 |
Share application money
- |
- |
- |
- |
62.20 |
Preference share capital
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Reserves & surplus
-2,758.61 |
-2,738.81 |
-2,726.24 |
-2,714.06 |
11,199.52 |
Loan funds
Secured loans
2,483.64 |
2,483.59 |
2,481.09 |
2,477.12 |
1,504.05 |
Unsecured loans
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
199.03 |
218.78 |
228.85 |
237.06 |
13,219.77 |
Uses of funds
Fixed assets
Gross block
253.87 |
254.18 |
254.29 |
255.19 |
234.60 |
Less : revaluation reserve
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Less : accumulated depreciation
49.47 |
47.03 |
44.41 |
42.37 |
22.55 |
Net block
204.40 |
207.15 |
209.88 |
212.83 |
212.05 |
Capital work-in-progress
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
490.38 |
490.38 |
490.38 |
490.38 |
789.87 |
Net current assets
Current assets, loans & advances
3,268.48 |
3,268.42 |
3,270.32 |
3,271.35 |
15,082.35 |
Less : current liabilities & provisions
3,764.23 |
3,747.16 |
3,741.73 |
3,737.50 |
2,864.49 |
Total net current assets
-495.75 |
-478.74 |
-471.41 |
-466.14 |
12,217.86 |
Miscellaneous expenses not written
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
199.03 |
218.78 |
228.85 |
237.06 |
13,219.77 |
Book value of unquoted investments
489.36 |
489.36 |
489.36 |
489.36 |
788.85 |
Market value of quoted investments
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Contingent liabilities
- |
- |
- |
- |
2,415.47 |
Number of equity sharesoutstanding (Lacs)
4740.04 |
4740.04 |
4740.04 |
4740.04 |
4540.04 |