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Machino Plastics Ltd. - Research Center
523248 MACPLASQ Group (X) BSE data
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Balance sheet
(Rs crore)
Mar ' 24 Mar ' 23 Mar ' 22 Mar ' 21 Mar ' 20
Sources of funds
Owner's fund
Equity share capital 6.14 6.14 6.14 6.14 6.14
Share application money - - - - -
Preference share capital - - - - -
Reserves & surplus 27.33 35.03 33.19 36.03 40.13
Loan funds
Secured loans 88.29 87.49 93.40 90.09 76.78
Unsecured loans - - - - -
Total 121.76 128.65 132.73 132.26 123.05
Uses of funds
Fixed assets
Gross block 372.36 355.46 354.87 374.31 376.37
Less : revaluation reserve 21.11 9.78 9.78 9.78 9.78
Less : accumulated depreciation 272.22 258.23 249.31 256.81 244.69
Net block 79.03 87.45 95.78 107.72 121.90
Capital work-in-progress - - - - -
Investments 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25
Net current assets
Current assets, loans & advances 102.88 79.38 65.36 53.26 39.89
Less : current liabilities & provisions 61.40 39.43 29.66 29.96 39.99
Total net current assets 41.48 39.96 35.70 23.29 -0.10
Miscellaneous expenses not written - - - - -
Total 121.76 128.65 132.73 132.26 123.05
Book value of unquoted investments 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25
Market value of quoted investments - - - - -
Contingent liabilities 6.70 0.31 5.61 5.90 5.82
Number of equity sharesoutstanding (Lacs) 61.37 61.37 61.37 61.37 61.37
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